Inspired by our new West 5 community (a net zero community) we put our heads together to compile a handy list of ways each of us can reduce our carbon footprint.
How Can I Be More Green?
- Only wash dishes and clothes when you have enough items to fill the machine. Running these appliances fewer times each week, reduces energy & water consumption and lowers hydro & water bills.
- Have your own thermostat control? In winter, reduce the temperature during times when you will not be home and overnight; in summer, do the opposite. You can save up to 10% on heating costs just by lowering the temperature 3 degrees overnight.
- Turn off lights when you leave a room or when you leave for the day. Better yet, turn off electronics and TV’s when you leave home.
- Chill out. For free instant savings, lower the temperature on your water heater between 120°F to 140°F. For every 10 degree reduction, you save 3 to 5% on your energy bill.
- Keep it clean, organically. Replace chemically laden products with organic and green options.
- Ditch the plastic water bottles. Purchase a glass re-usable bottle, fill it up before you leave the house and voila water on the go that doesn’t add plastic to our landfills.
- Buy Local. Buying food, clothing and other items from local businesses results in less fossil fuels to transport goods, generating fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
- Bike or walk. Consider making 1 day a week a vehicle free day and opt for fresh air, exercise and no carbon emissions.
What does Sifton do to reduce our carbon footprint?
- Reducing the energy our properties and operations produce is a top priority:
- Energy efficient appliances
- LED bulbs in common areas and coming soon for all suites (stay tuned for more info!)
- Gas efficient boilers in apartment buildings
- Gas powered furnaces in townhomes
- Insulated windows to reduce heat loss
- Insulation program for townhome attics to reduce drafts & heat your home more efficiently
- Efficient waste disposal systems
Interested in learning more?
The David Suzuki Foundation has great info!
DID YOU KNOW? If you qualify as a low-income household in Ontario, you can apply for relief on your hydro bill. Contact the Ontario Energy Board for more information and eligibility requirements.