Healthcare is going through a transitional phase where patients expect and demand more, but are unfortunately receiving less. As the only executive healthcare centre in London, we are proud to serve the needs of our customers and be a part of the innovation at West 5.
What drew you and your business to this exciting west London gateway community?
“The move to this area of London has been a positive one for Medpoint. The West 5 vibe and the community’s focus on renewability and lifestyle is a great fit for us.”
Can you describe your experience in designing/building and expanding your business roots here in West 5?
“The Medpoint brand is synonymous with quality, and the Sifton building process has allowed us to design our medical centre and grow our business in a way that reflects our values.”

How do you feel your expertise in health care adds value to West 5?
“Healthcare is going through a transitional phase where patients expect and demand more, but are unfortunately receiving less. As the only executive healthcare centre in London, we are proud to serve the needs of our customers and be a part of the innovation at West 5.”
In choosing West 5 for your business, how has Sifton supported you in establishing a trusting relationship?
“Issues happen in business, but how we respond to them is the mark of quality. Sifton’s response time has always been strong and proficient and we have worked successfully with their team to map out Medpoint’s multiple expansions – all have been seamless and fair.”
Be sure to visit Medpoint Health Care Centre on Facebook and Instagram to welcome them to our West 5 community!
Located at: 1295 Riverbend Road – Suite 280
Phone Number: 519-432-1919 ext. 114